15 great product demo videos to watch [and how to make one]

Riddle me this: what gets you hooked on a new product? Think about it. 

An addictive ad? A glowing review? Or maybe an incredible product video that blows your mind? 🤯

*brain melting intensifies*
Source: Giphy

There — that’s the one! ☝️

Product videos are so amazing! One glimpse into these two to five-minute videos. And you’re already considering buying or trying the product. 

But there are many boring and forgettable demo videos out there. To create your own and get it right, you need to get inspired. 

Let’s study the 15 most incredible product demo videos and take notes. 

Table of contents

Great product demo video examples to inspire you

Okay, wow me. Why are these examples so great?

You’ll see. 

After tons of research and far too much coffee, we made sure to select only the best product demo videos. And finalized a list that showcases a wide range of video styles. 

Oh, that sounds good. Show me, then!

With pleasure. 😊

1. Slack

Everybody’s heard of Slack. 

Your neighbors. That friendly barista. Even your grandma probably knows about Slack.

Fittingly, the name of their demo is titled “You’ve probably heard of Slack.” 

After watching it, what stood out to you?

Probably the bright colors and peppy music that create a warm and friendly atmosphere. The clean graphics and visuals (which are easy to follow) convey a clear message. 

But what makes this demo great is how easily you can relate to the main character, Brianna, through various scenarios. 

It showcases Slack’s features through screenshots of the tool mixed in with live-action scenes. 

As a result, it gives viewers a clear picture of how the product works without bloating the screen. 

Title: You’ve probably heard of Slack. 

Duration: 1:59

Product category: Messaging

Lesson learned: Use a relatable main character in your video. This way, users can put themselves in that character’s shoes. 

2. Duolingo

Are we the only ones who feel bad when we haven’t touched the app in a while? The tears in the owl’s eyes…

Can’t resist them! 

You also can’t resist watching Duolingo’s product video. 😉

Actions speak louder than words in the demo. It shows that you don’t always need a voiceover to make your points. 

Even if it’s a short 30-second video, it keeps you glued to your screen. 

The beauty of it lies in its simplicity.

It makes users want to pick up where they left off in their Spanish lessons. Don’t you feel like downloading the app again? 

The demo video also shows the app’s different functionalities. The visuals help keep it clear and easy to understand. Plus, it appeals to a wide audience by showing off multiple languages. 

Title: Learn over 30+ languages for FREE with Duolingo

Duration: 0:30

Product category: Learning 

Lesson learned: Keep it simple! 

3. Zoom

Let’s quickly jump on a Zoom.” Does it bring back some memories? 

Pleasant or unpleasant, Zoom kept us connected with our loved ones. And it quickly became as vital as air. 

They also have a demo video. Give it a watch. 


It’s a classic, corporate example. The demo has no fancy visuals or animation. But it still does its job. 

The purpose is to show you how simple to use Zoom is. “Coming together face-to-face is as simple as a single touch.” That’s how easy it is to connect with people over Zoom. 

It’s also a feature-heavy video. Which is not a bad thing. 

The demo does a great job of explaining how the product works. At the end of it, you can clearly understand what Zoom is. 

Title: Zoom Meetings

Duration: 0:45

Product category: Video conferencing 

Lesson learned: A feature-heavy script can show off your product’s benefits. Pair it with clear visuals, and voila! People will scramble to use it. 

4. Grammarly

Are you a nitpicker when it comes to correct grammar? Same! High five. ✋

The amount of people using “your” instead of “you’re” is too high! And the urge to correct that person is strong… 

But it’s not our business to do that. We have to work on our own grammar. 

Thank God for Grammarly. 

The world is a better place with this app. 

This digital writing tool helps us correct our spelling and grammar. We’re not perfect (whatever our family says). 

Their demo makes the platform the star of the show by showing it in action. Look at how many great things Grammarly can do besides checking your spelling!

I must get it NOW!” it makes you think. Why? Because it speaks to you. And to John, your co-worker. Or Francine from HR. It speaks to several different audiences. 

Title: How Compelling Is Your Writing?

Duration: 0:57

Product category: Digital writing tool 

Lesson learned: Put your product at the forefront of your product demo video. Show your audience how amazing it is. 

5. IKEA Place

Most of the furniture in your room probably comes from IKEA. Did we guess right? 🔮

Most people have at least one piece of Ikea furniture in their home. But what happens when you can’t find the right place for it?  

Don’t worry; IKEA Place has got you covered. 

This short video is perfect for people who don’t know if a huge couch is a good idea for their small living space. 

It relies heavily on relatability. 

The humorous moments and relatable scenarios add a nice touch to the video. 

But this explainer video is not just haha. It includes useful info about the app’s benefits and features. And does a good job explaining what it does. 

Overall, it’s a high-quality and professional video with comical background music.

Title: Say Hej to IKEA Place

Duration: 0:58

Product category: Augmented reality app

Lesson learned: Make it relatable through humorous live-action visuals. 

6. Headspace

Namaste. It’s us, your meditation instructor for the day. 🧘

We want you to take a few moments to breathe. Relax your muscles and wipe away the day’s stress. You’re in a safe space. No boss to yell at you. No deadlines to meet. No traffic. 

Just you. And your inner peace. 

Very good. Now, you can watch this relaxing, fully animated product video from Headspace. 

Huh? But meditation isn’t tangible…” 

Agreed. But Headspace managed to do the impossible. They created a demo for guided meditation. 

What catches your attention is the on-brand visuals, animations, and quirky characters. It helps with the company’s empathetic approach. 

Headspace also uses easy-to-understand language and explanations to show how meditation improves our mental health. 

The video ends with a clear call to action (CTA). Feel like trying Headspace now? 

Title: Say Hello to Headspace

Duration: 1:26

Product category: Meditation app

Lesson learned: Grab your viewer’s attention by making it stand out through its uniqueness. 

7. LEGO Life

Okay, okay, we’ll confess. We love LEGO, too. 

What’s not to like? You can create ANYTHING with it. The sky’s the limit (or your imagination). 

A colorful bonsai? Check

The Star Wars Millennium Falcon? Affirmative

The entire cast from The Office? You know it

Source: Giphy

As a fellow LEGO fanatic, you’ll surely like this product video. 

Right from the start, you know this video is for children. Sorry to burst your bubble. LEGO says they’re not for you (we won’t tattle, though). 

So, how does it appeal to kids? 

By speaking directly to them. The upbeat soundtrack, the bright colors, fun and dynamic visuals. Even the pumped-up voiceover. Everything’s lively and full of life. 

The high-quality production and clear narration build credibility and trust. It also gives it a polished feel. 

But the main selling point is what youngsters can do with the app. Basically, anything. Participate in challenges. Connect with other fans through social features. The ability to share their creations. 

It’s simply a kid’s biggest dream. 

Title: LEGO Life — An App Full of LEGO Stuff

Duration: 0:30

Product category: Children’s app

Lesson learned: Never fear speaking directly to your audience. They’ll get your message. 

8. Peloton

Ready to get active? 🏃

Take a few minutes to watch this video. 

Did this demo get your blood pumping? 

When the music started, with the slow close-up of the bike. Goosebumps. Almost the same experience as seeing a trailer in a cinema. 


Peloton’s live-action video takes their marketing strategy to the next level. It uses testimonials to show how great their product is. 

It has many storytelling elements. The demo begins with an origin story of the Peloton bicycles. It doesn’t linger there as it quickly pans to the benefits. Who doesn’t want to ride a bike while your partner is sleeping? 

What this video does great is demonstrate how you’d feel using Peloton. 

It also understands viewer pain points. It highlights certain features to show how to solve them. 

Title: An Inside Look at the Peloton Bike

Duration: 2:50

Product category: Sporting equipment

Lesson learned: Don’t shy away from longer videos. The length does wonders when you want to tell your product’s story. 

9. Tasty App

What are your dinner plans for tonight? 

Let’s say you want to cook a meal from scratch. But don’t have the necessary ingredients. 

My friend, you know we’ve always got your back. Peek at this demo video to see what we’re talking about. 

So. It’s an app. Where you select a recipe. And you can order the ingredients for that recipe directly from an app.

GENIUS. Sign me up. 

The video is nothing fancy. No animations or mind-boggling visuals. It’s a short step-by-step walkthrough of the app. 

It shows a person going through the application. Plus, it presents its features in an easy-to-understand way — and in real time. 

This example is just what you want from a product video. 

Title: The Tasty App Just Got Better: Shop Recipes Instantly! 

Duration: 0:55

Product category: Food recipes network

Lesson learned: When in doubt, don’t overthink it. Sometimes, simplicity is the way to go. 

10. Sphero

When The Force Awakens came out in 2015, you were most likely the first to buy a ticket. 

The reason we’re mentioning this is because of BB-8, the orange spherical robot that melted our hearts. 

If you loved him, then you’ll surely adore Sphero’s next project.

It’s a highly cinematic product demo. With its close-up shots and on-screen text, you clearly understand what the product does.

The first half of the video works to establish trust. You’ve heard of Sphero before. You’ve seen their past creations. So, you trust them. By introducing themselves, Sphero builds credibility. 

In the other half, you meet the product. Passionate engineers explain why their new invention is so special. It also highlights its key features.

Title: Introducing Sphero RVR — Now on Kickstarter

Duration: 4:16

Product category: Robots

Lesson learned: Referencing past successes builds credibility in your product demo video. 

11. Gusto

You might want to sit comfortably for this one. Maybe grab some snacks and a drink. 

It’s gonna be a long video. Ready? Then press play. 

It has an impressive five minutes and fifty-six seconds. We can safely say this software product video has many helpful details.

You might think it’s too much, but the simple language, soothing voice, and the visuals help you understand Gusto’s every feature. 

Of course, such length is unsuitable for introducing new viewers to the product. 

It works best for clients further along in the sales funnel. Those who watch it till the end need this last push to make the purchase.

And they’ll most likely contact a salesperson afterward. 

Title: Gusto Demo: Refreshingly intuitive payroll, benefits, and HR for small businesses 

Duration: 5:56

Product category: HR software

Lesson learned: Longer-format software demo videos work best for long-term clients. 

12. Scrabble

Make some noise for Scrabble!! 🥳 

This old-school word game is still a classic to this day. If you’re a fan, then this product video is a must-watch.

Give it a go. 

What do you think? Ready to spell F-U-N together?

Similar to the Tasty product video, it’s a tutorial for the game. It explains the rules through real-life visuals and on-screen text. The demo needs no sound other than the background music. 

So, if you want to explain the rules to your friends., show them this video. It’s simple and easy to understand. 

Title: Scrabble Original Demo Video | AD

Duration: 1:04

Product category: Board games

Lesson learned: Use simple visuals to explain the rules of your product. It also has a high replayability value. 

13. Nintendo Switch

Nintendo crafts really good creative games. Some say even the best ever made. 

Wouldn’t you want to be an Italian plumber who fights a giant lizard? 🍄

That creativity also applies to Nintendo Switch’s product launch. Look at how beautiful it is. 

It’s the perfect example for showing various use cases of the product. With the Nintendo Switch, you can play on TV. Or take it on the go! 

You can play alone. Or call some friends over. Share your Joy-Con controller with someone — easy! Plus, they come in various bright colors. Look at how many different games you can play!

See what we mean? It doesn’t feel forced. It sounds extremely fun. 

Overall, the video appeals to a huge player base, no matter the age. 

Title: Welcome to Nintendo Switch! 

Duration: 1:23

Product category: Video games

Lesson learned: Great for showing off your product’s various use cases. 

14. Beyblade SwitchStrike

Once upon a time, these toys were the craze. Alongside Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. 

Every child around the world had one. They gathered in their backyards to show their battle prowess. 

And their product video brings back nostalgic memories…

This demo brings something unique to the video marketing industry. It’s split into episodes. 

Yep. You can do that too.

The video is high-quality too, with transitions, visuals, and special effects that show the toy’s cool moves. And gets any kid excited for the SwitchStrike. 

Having two boys explain what you can do with this toy makes it relatable. Who else knows about it more? 

They present the features in an exciting way. Any kid will now want to buy it! 

Title: Beyblade — ’SwitchStrike Demo’ Episode 1 

Duration: 1:44

Product category: Toys

Lesson learned: Split your demo into episodes. It’ll create more engagement and excitement for the product.

15. Zapier

Huh, would you look at the time? ⌚

We’ve reached our last example: Zapier

Let’s go through what makes this final demo awesome. 

After you watch it, of course. 

The video doesn’t lollygag. It gets straight to the point. And asks a simple question: “Are you tired of handling repetitive but business-critical tasks?” 

Whatever industry you’re in, it’s a relatable problem. 

The narrator paints a compelling picture of what it means to send the same email leads daily. It’s annoying. It wastes your time.

Nobody wants that. 

So, after describing the issues, Zapier offers a solution. 

By connecting the apps you use daily, you can save time. Super helpful

The video also teases that Zapier does more than this. It makes you curious to see more. 

After closing this article, you’re probably going to check it out.

Hook, line, and sinker. 

Title: Welcome to Zapier!

Duration: 0:49

Product category: Software-as-a-service (SaaS) 

Lesson learned: Offer a glimpse of what the product can do. You’ll make people crave more. 


Phew. There were lots of videos to watch. 

But at least you’ve learned a valuable lesson. Feeling inspired yet? 

Before you jump straight back to action, we’ve one more thing to teach you. It’s about how to make a product demo in five steps. 

Follow us! 

How to make a product demo video in 5 steps


You know what that is? It’s time to uncover the steps for making the most amazing, unbelievable, and stunning product demos. 

Ready for the big reveal? 




A graph showing how to make a product demo video in five steps.

Ta-daa! 👐 

Now let’s chat about each step.

Step #1: Preparation

The first step of every creation process involves preparation. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Identify the video’s goal — A product demo video without a purpose is…nothing. It won’t get you the desired results. Think about what you want to achieve. 

Brand awareness? More purchases? What action should the user take after viewing it? 

  • Find your target audience — Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the target of my demo videos? 

Think of who you’re trying to reach. Business peeps? New clients? Do they have a clue who you are? What about loyal clients? 

  • Set a budget. And a timeline — Some of the examples had huge budgets. Others, not so much. 

You might not be Apple, but you can still do amazing things. 

So, pin down your budget. Oh, and don’t forget to set a deadline. Try not to limit yourself, though. 

  • Decide on in-house or agency video production — This depends on your budget. 

If you have that dough, your best bet is to work with an agency. It’s easy, and you don’t have to do much.

In-house works better for smaller budgets. You can do so much with a high-quality camera. 

Author’s Tip: Curious about video editor rates? Sneak a peek at this article

Step #2: Content planning

Sadly, you can’t just nail it on your first try. Or maybe you can. And you’re just that awesome. 😍


When it comes to content, ‘preparation’ better be your middle name.
Source: Giphy

You know the saying: failing to plan is planning to fail

So, step 2 is all about making a plan. 

Think about your video’s message. What do you want people to learn from it? What steps should they take to make a purchase? 

Here are more things to consider: 

  • Structure the video: Make the message clear. Use storytelling or highlight pain points. 

The world’s your oyster. 

  • Choose between animation or live-action: Animations are cheaper than live-action. Or you can add an interactive demo on your landing page. 

So many options, so little time…

Imagine you’re taking your date to a restaurant. The candles and dim light set the mood. Your videos should too. 

For example, keep your script short and catchy. Write like you’re a lover that wants to seduce their partner. Which means write like you speak to make it more relatable. 

Oh, and don’t forget to read it out loud. 

Step #3: Video production

You’ve drafted the best script ever. It’s in tune with your brand’s style. 

Everybody loves it. And you know it’s gonna be great. 


Pat yourself on the back for this milestone. But you know what this means? 



Source: Giphy

You got the green light! You can now start producing the video. 🎥 

This means preparing the script. Creating a project timeline. And even hiring the talent or finding a location for shooting. But that’s not all…

Here’s a five-step guide to getting started. 

Tip: Make sure the video aligns with your budget and timeline. 

Step #4: Gather feedback

Let’s say you have doubts. Something about the script doesn’t feel right. 

But you can’t put your finger on it. 🤔 Is it too friendly? Too stiff? Will people relate to the characters? 

You do, but maybe your audience doesn’t feel the same way. 

It’s never too late to share the script with your work buddies. By doing so, you can collect early suggestions and opinions. 

Maybe someone will come up with an awesome idea! 💡

To collect these helpful insights, try MarkUp.io. 

This annotation tool helps you quickly gather input from stakeholders, such as what they like. Or don’t. If they have any ideas for potential scenes. 

Anything goes!  


Anyone using the platform can review your script. They can even add comments and pixel-accurate pins. It will improve the video’s quality and effectiveness if it comes from your people.

The collaboration is seamless, flawless. And you’ll have no problems sharing deliverables with people in your firm.

Want to try it? Sign up for a free 30-day trial today. 

Author’s Tip: See how to annotate videos in this article

Step #5: Distribution

Bring out the confetti cannons!
Source: Giphy

This award is for you. Yeah, you. You did it! 🎉

The video’s done. You’ve posted it online, on your website. The whole office celebrates. 

You’re waiting for the cash to roll in. 


Sadly, you can’t just put the video online and hope for the best. You have to invest in a marketing campaign. 

Which means creating another plan (yes, we know).  

It’s easy, though. Just decide where you want to share the video. YouTube. Your brand’s social media pages. A campaign landing page. 

Or create a special email campaign for more views and clicks. 


So, what did you learn from this article? Let’s go over the key takeaways real quick: 

  • 🎉 You discovered 15 great product demo examples you can take inspiration from; 
  • 🤓 You learned the steps for making a great demo;
  • 💪 You’re now ready to make your own product demo video! 

Over to you

Nooo, it can’t be over! We have so much left to say! *sigh* But sadly, it’s the truth. 

We’ve explored all there is to know about the greatest product demo videos ever. Hope you liked them, though! 

Guess there’s only one more thing left to say. 

Try MarkUp.io. 

With this solution, users can comment on anything. Yeah. You heard it right. Here’s a step-by-step guide: 

  1. Upload your content
  2. Drop a comment
  3. Share for review

It’s that simple. Curious to try it? 

Use this link to register for the free 30-day trial ASAP. We’re waiting. 😉 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Something on your mind? Ask us anything, and you’ll get your answer. 

Sooo, what is a product demo video?

A product demonstration video is a short presentation of your product. 

It shows your product in action in an exciting way. How it works and what it can do. What makes it unique. If it’s valuable to the consumer. 

The purpose is to compel potential customers to buy it. 

Are there any benefits? 

Here’s a brief look at the pros of product demo videos: 

  • Builds credibility — People want the product to solve their problems. The video will convince them they can trust your brand. 
  • Introduces product features — Repeat after me: show, don’t tell. It’s the secret to coming off as friendly and genuine. 
  • Boosts traffic — More views equal more traffic. Simple math! 🤓
  • Increases sales — Through video content, you avoid disappointing your audience. People will flock to buy your goodies. 

Should I keep it long or short? 

What’s the ideal length for product videos? 

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on the type of product and your target audience. 

As a rule of thumb, two minutes is the sweet spot. Enough to present the new product and keep people addicted. 

If you need to go into details, you can amp it up to five minutes. 

Any components the product demo should have? 

The key ingredients to any good product demo include: 

  • An attention-grabbing intro.
  • A detailed new-features demonstration.
  • An engaging call to action.

How can I add pizzazz to my videos? 

To make your product demo more interesting, here are some hints

  • Dabble in storytelling.
  • Mention key pain points. 
  • Use nice aesthetics (visuals, music, etc.).
  • Start with a nice hook.

Other tips include making it easy to understand. Try to relate to the client’s problems and make your product the solution.

Also, choose a friendly face. Your video’s main character should be relatable to the target audience.