12 great video storytelling examples to inspire your campaigns

Your team just dropped an epic video on social media. It had all the ingredients for success: great colors, trending sounds, hashtags, etc. 

Or so you thought. 

The video got 305 views and 5 likes. Defo not the hit you imagined. 

You just wanted a stunning video that resonated with people too. 😢

And you can still have that. 

A good place to start is to look at what other brands have done. Watch how they’ve told their brand stories. What do people love about them?

You know, so it can inspire yours too. And make it better. 

Luckily for you, that’s the gist of this guide. Exploring examples to shake up how you produce engaging videos going forward. 🙌

But first, let’s start from the basics. 

Table of contents

What’s video storytelling?

What are the benefits of video storytelling?

Example #1: Nike x Ted Lasso

Example #2: Patagonia

Example #3: Grammarly

Example #4: Mailchimp

Example #5: Airbnb

Example #6: John Lewis

Example #7: Apple

Example #8: momondo

Example #9: Oddbox

Example #10: Walmart

Example #11: Olio

Example #12: Lego

What’s video storytelling?

So, you want people to learn about your brand. You want them to see how great your product or service is. 

That’s great. 

But the thing is, a thousand other business owners are trying to do the same thing too. 

Don’t even get us started on other people in the picture. Comedians, artists, musicians, etc. — everyone is out for a piece of the global audience cake. 

If you want to be seen, you need to ‘think different,’ as Apple’s advertising slogan once said.  

That’s where video storytelling steps in. 

It’s using the video format to take viewers on an interesting journey into your brand’s world. 

There, you show them how your product works. How it meets their pain points. Why you created the product or started the brand. 

With visual storytelling, people will almost feel like they’ve been a part of your brand’s story from the beginning. 

It’s a marketing tactic that truly represents the popular phrase ‘Show don’t tell’.

Now, you’re wondering… “Is video storytelling that great?”

Heck, yeah! Let’s take a look at the many benefits of storytelling and how it’ll take your videos to new heights. 

What are the benefits of video storytelling?

Is your video marketing campaign everything you wanted it to be? Does it have all the ingredients to make it successful? Or do people usually see your videos and go… 😬🙂 before scrolling away?

Maybe your video’s missing something. A critical component that can make your video marketing strategy a resounding success.

But how exactly does storytelling help you capture your viewers’ attention? 

See for yourself…

A graphic listing 4 essential benefits of video storytelling.

1. Gives your brand personality

What does your typical video content look like at the moment? Maybe it’s a 30-second explainer video listing your product’s features. Or a how-to video showing people how a feature works. 

While they’re not bad ideas, they might be a bit… impersonal

With storytelling, your brand sorta has a voice and personality. Something the audience can relate to. They now see a person who understands their needs and where they’ve been. There’s a connection. 

For example, a YouTuber asked people on Reddit about storytelling’s value as a skill. It sparked a discussion, with most people saying that storytelling is the most important skill. 

It focuses your video and helps the viewer become invested,” says one Redditor. Another adds that, “Your individual nuances in presenting a story is what makes you stand out against the competition.” 

Overall, storytelling is extremely valuable for holding people’s attention and creating engagement.  

2. Increases engagement

Most companies make the mistake of assuming people know their brand and what it stands for. But to viewers, they’re just a stranger yapping about their product’s features. 

It’s no surprise that some experience low engagement rates. But you can be different. 

By using the storytelling approach, you’ve hooked your audience with great stories. They now see you as a friend rather than a stranger and would be more than willing to engage with your posts. 

A good example is this Instagram post from HubSpot. 

Image Source: Instagram

You can just see how their audience is reacting to the video. They love the short video and applaud HubSpot’s content marketing team for their idea.

Why? Because the video is fun and relatable. The video starts with a person wearing a white sheet and saying, “Boo!” What more do you want? 🤷 It’s definitely a step up from a corporate and serious video about why prospects ghost you. It gives the brand personality and keeps you invested. 

That’s what storytelling does. 

It helps spark conversations that give your content the boost it needs.

Don’t worry, we’ll share more examples shortly. 

3. Builds trust

Add personality to engagement and you get trust. 

Storytelling lets you be vulnerable and authentic with viewers. And it helps them trust you better as they get to know you better. 

You’ll be taking your audience on a journey. Sharing why you started the brand. Posting testimonials of people who’ve used your product. Showing different use cases of your product or service. 

Storytelling lets you be vulnerable and genuine with your audience. As a result, it helps them see you as someone they can trust as they get to know you better. 

4. Versatility

Everybody loves stories, whether they’re on LinkedIn, Twitter, or TikTok. 

Share an interesting story and you’ll see people reposting and taking screenshots of it. 

Before you know it, it’s on all social media platforms. 

Now, let’s say you produce a video about your brand’s story. You can repurpose the content for different platforms or audiences — even newsletters — and it’ll still be a hit. 

So, what do you think? 

Video storytelling seems like a great investment, right?

Yeah, we think so too. 

Let’s walk you through some of the best examples of video storytelling. 

So you know how to get started.

Example #1: Nike x Ted Lasso

One great thing about Nike is their exceptional stories. It’s usually something people from different backgrounds can relate to because the videos feature relatable scenarios and characters. 

And this video is no different. 

It’s a collab with the popular comedy-drama series, Ted Lasso

All through the video, you can see Richmond’s merch with Nike’s logo. Then, at different intervals, you spot quotes in the ad like…

We don’t know what will happen.

But we can go further.

Be braver…”

The video is for fans of Ted Lasso because those quotes sum up the central theme of the series.  

What’s great about this example: There’s no narrator or main actor, but the message is well delivered. You can see that from how the comment section went on fire. 

One fan described it as a collab they never knew they needed!

Plus, it had all of the basics for successful video storytelling. 

Plot. People. Place. Audience. Purpose.

It’s a great example of how powerful a story can be, even without one word from a character.

Example #2: Patagonia

Patagonia is an outdoor clothing and gear brand. 

You’d probably expect a video from them to be about how durable their products are in harsh terrain or weather.

But they had another idea. 

Patagonia documented Australian YouTuber and outdoor educator, Beau Miles on an outdoor adventure. 

The video begins with Beau sharing a memory with his grandma, a relationship many people can relate to. 

Then, Beau goes on to share what his adventure would be about. 

What’s great about this example: Their approach. The storytelling in this ‘docu-video’ left us smiling just a few seconds in. Maybe it was the granny reference. Or how weird his ‘half-ass experiment’ was.

But what was most important? It was a sneak peek into a day in the life of Beau Miles. And the audience loved every bit of it.

Example #3: Grammarly

Pretty much everyone knows Grammarly, the top writing-assistance tool. 

In this video, Grammarly’s story is about communication at work, how using the right tone can get your team on board. 

But the main theme in this video was Grammarly letting their audience know they see them

They understand their struggles as professionals and how challenging it can be to bring ideas to life. 

And how Grammarly can help. Just like they helped Jules, the Ketchup VP. 

What’s great about this example: It’s a video their audience (professionals) can relate to. 

And the truth is … we’ve all been there. 

A great idea pops into your head. But communicating it without sounding too bossy or weird can be a bit challenging. 

Grammarly acknowledged that pain point and presented a solution. 

That’s an approach your video storytelling can take too. 

Example #4: Mailchimp

Entrepreneurs, this one’s for you. 

It’s a video that acknowledges the painful path of an entrepreneur.

How things are looking up one moment and down the next. 

You’ll see what we mean when you watch it.

It’s one video Mailchimp’s audience will remember for a long time. 


Because it resonates. Viewers can see their own journey or a journey they can relate to, forging an emotional connection.

Even people unfamiliar with Mailchimp are likely to be intrigued and want to learn more after watching this video.

What’s great about this example: Mailchimp’s storytelling approach makes viewers feel part of an inspiring narrative. The ability for viewers to connect with the video on a personal level is what truly sets it apart.

Example #5: Airbnb

Building a connection with your audience is one of the main goals of video storytelling.

And it’s precisely the approach Airbnb uses in this video. 

The video relies heavily on music and sound to make the video more fun and give it a tinge of personality. The sound effects come right on cue, strongly punctuated by the animation. 

This nice touch makes the scenario (which can be bitter for parents) sweet by sharing a solution: what if you turned the empty nest into an Airbnb?

Plus, with the opening line being, “If you have a kid and that kid is headed off to college…,” you already know who they’re trying to connect with. 

It’s the kind of video that can spark conversation among parents and others trying to adjust to an empty home. 

What’s great about this example: It was sooooo brief. 

The message? Well communicated. 

That tells you great storytelling doesn’t have to be lengthy. 

You can keep it short and your target audience will still love you for it. 

Example #6: John Lewis

John Lewis is a UK-based general retailer. 

For their Christmas ad, John Lewis’s video starts with a family shopping in a yard sale, where their kid finds a seed for the perfect Christmas tree. 

A Venus fly trap. 🫠

He takes it home and nurtures the seed till it grows. 

The video is a subtle way of letting people know they understand that finding the right tree can be challenging. But at John Lewis, they’ll find what they’re looking for.

What’s great about this example: The storyline is exceptional. It almost feels like one of those Christmas movies. More importantly, the video is heartwarming — it resonates with viewers, so they connect with the business.

Example #7: Apple

Ah yes, Apple.  

You know them. We call them ‘the creativity boss.’ 

For their video, they went with a compelling story for their holiday campaign, blending storytelling and creativity in a short film.

The visual begins with an animated video of this poor guy who meets with a series of unfortunate events. Then, it transitions to live action footage, successfully combining animation and real people to get the point across. 

Its main theme?

Showing how creativity can change people’s perspective.

There may be no bold call to action for viewers but you see an iPhone used to shoot the stop-motion and a MacBook for editing. 

It’s a subtle way of saying Apple products can help you to be your most creative self. 

What’s great about this example: The video features neither dialogue nor a voiceover yet the message is crystal clear. There’s usually more to someone than meets the eye.

Example #8: momondo

momondo is a travel search site based in Copenhagen. 

Now you’re probably wondering, “What kind of visual story can a travel site share? Maybe something around free tickets or a journey through their user experience.” 

But you’ll be surprised at what they came up with. 

It’s a video about DNA tests. Yup, that DNA. 🧬

momondo asked over 60 people to take DNA tests. 

The reason? 

To show how related they are to other nationalities. And invite them to travel to those countries. 

The idea was to share their brand values and evoke emotions, such as the scene where the two cousins reunite. momondo believes anyone should be able to travel the world and explore other cultures. 

So they used a video to express that. 

What’s great about this example: It’s got a subtle but powerful message. Anyone watching the video is more likely to use momondo’s services going forward. 

Example #9: Oddbox

Oddbox is an organization with one mission: fighting food waste. 

So, for their first TV ad, they decided to go the storytelling route. 

Their video features two neighbors unboxing their boxes of oddly shaped fruits. 

You can see how excited they are going through their oddboxes. 

The video is a reflection of how delightful it can be to join the war against food waste, one odd fruit or veggie at a time. Each veggie, despite looking a bit off than normal ‘beauty’ standards, is still as delicious as normal ones. 

Plus, the video presents its message in a relatable way. How often did you go out, whether for work or to get the newspaper, and start talking about the weather with your neighbor? 

Overall, it’s a humorous commercial ad with an important message.

What’s great about this example: It’s simple and catchy. Oddbox shares its core values with potential customers in just a few seconds. 

Example #10: Walmart

Walmart created magic in under a minute with this video by capturing different scenes of how families bond during the holidays. 

Playing with their kids, searching for the right gifts, preparing meals — but take a look at the video and see for yourself. 

The video is highly relatable; you’ve probably experienced similar moments yourself. 

However, the main message goes beyond shared experiences. It emphasizes that viewers can find not just anything, but specifically what they need at Walmart. 

This concept is neatly wrapped up in Walmart’s concluding statement: “We don’t just have everything. We have your thing.”

What’s great about this example: Relatability is key here. The video portrays a variety of situations people typically encounter during the holidays, creating a connection with a wide audience. 

As viewers watch, they’re likely to identify with certain scenes, thinking, ‘That’s me.’ 

This sense of identification is one of the most important takeaways of video storytelling. It’s all about establishing a connection with the audience, fostering a sense of trust.

Example #11: Olio

Walmart did their video in a minute. 

But Olio?

Thirty seconds. 

For the record, Olio is an app that lets you share items you no longer need with people close by. 

In this example, we see their brand storytelling take a different approach. 

It’s a rendition of Louis Armstrong’s ‘What a Wonderful World’ by a group of kids against a backdrop of one of the largest landfill sites in the UK. 

Their message is simple. They hope for a world where, instead of waste landfills, people share. 

Olio doesn’t need a voiceover to get the message across. The song, background, and call to action at the end do the job. 

What’s great about this example: It creates an emotional connection with viewers. You’ve probably even considered sharing all those items you no longer need after watching the video. 

That’s how powerful video storytelling can be!

Example #12: LEGO

So LEGO has this Harry Potter-themed video game. 

You may have played it if you’re a fan. 

But they decided to create an animated video about the game and take viewers on a tour of Hogwarts’s school of magic. 

The video basically takes you on a journey through all the common rooms of the magical school. 

And gives a sneak peek into the adventures each house comes with.

The experience is designed to feel like you’re already playing the game, exploring the magical world of Harry Potter.

What’s great about this example: It’s the enchanting storyline and the captivating narrative. The narrator skillfully weaves the tale in a manner that has drawn over 70,000 viewers. This strategy not only promotes the game but also reinforces LEGO’s brand as a catalyst for imagination and adventure.


And that aspiring storyteller… wraps up our list of top storytelling examples. 

Do your own video storytelling hassle-free

Right now, different ideas are running through your mind. 

You can’t wait to produce your best video yet. 

Of course, we’re rooting for you. As always. 

But if you’re gonna pull this off, you’ll need an effective system. 

A system? Yup, one where you can: 

  • Brainstorm ideas with team members; 
  • Request feedback on different aspects of the video content; 
  • Assign tasks to people;
  • And more! 

Basically, a system that makes collaboration soooo simple

You didn’t think of that, did ya? 

That’s where MarkUp.io comes in. It’s the system we’re talking about. Sign up for a free 30-day trial. Witness the power of smooth collaboration on high-quality videos.